The writer and sociologist vasco-leones David Díez Llamas has published a book which is a manual of warning, a wake-up call on the particular consciousness and general awareness, by our behavior before the crisis, our evil head: ' irresponsible!' (2012 Lid). It is an essay that goes beyond the analysis of a reality which is well known as sociologist, dedicated to listen, measure and reflect on issues of importance.
What is really worrying is that you things that you notice, review, points out and reveals David Díez LLamas in his book have to say. They are endorsements that repaired in the shortage of common sense that overwhelms this society, so worried by the consumption and so empty of everything else. Because the great crisis, the real crisis, as noted on these pages is the elementary values of these rules of conduct, respect and compromise, which we were taught by our elders, and that are today unknown, neglected or ignored oblivious, because everyone is entertaining in his electronic cell phone, send messages, possibly with spelling mistakes. In short: live in oneself, without looking around. Although the responsibility must be shared, have much more responsibility before the crisis the real culprits, for having done a break even financial system itself, that they consider the best systems.
Ten flames - sociologist educated at Deusto and recriado in Bilbao, where life and family-has built wide gaze analyst reminds us in some way with this exclamation title to another manual book, touch of attention to the crisis: it is of ' outraged!', of Stéphane Hessel. Hessel test makes a point of hue, because it believes that the prospects of both books are different: «In my opinion might say there are reasons for outrage but that indignation is also not the solution and can even lead to increase the current crisis».
The temptation to the crisis has been a temptation so perverse as the same crisis: always to blame the other, others, a situation of distress, shortages and fears. But the responsibility is on each and every one of us, at the level that corresponds to us in this social fabric so brittle and weak. The limits to such erratic conduct, whose highest peak is corruption, is in law (for the performance of politicians), but, above all, in the consciousness. And the greatest inconsistency is that public administrators, to justify the unjustifiable, invoke the crisis to justify it. Finally, a real confusion, which increases the need for elements of analysis and looks to future, as that provides this essay of ten flames. The book contains a foreword by Carlos Espinosa de los Monteros, and two laudacios of Leon writers Juan Pedro Aparicio and Julio Llamazares
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